This is a HUGE deal around here. Maddie has always been so very attached to that stupid thing. My plan was to get rid of it before Christmas. I was going to tell her to throw it away and take it out to the trash outside so that she could see for herself that it is actually gone and not coming back. Well, Friday morning she was walking around the house with it and in the midst of playing, she dropped it somewhere and I could not find it. She started crying and throwing a fit for it, but I tore the house apart looking for it and it was nowhere to be found.
So, I figured this was as good of a time as any to say bye to it. So I told her "sorry, it's gone-gone". She cried and got really upset for a little while, then she said to me in the saddest voice you have ever heard "my paci is gone-gone?". I said "yes, it's gone-gone, but that's ok, because you don't need it anyway, you're a big girl now". So she dried her tears and didn't really seem too concerned about it the rest of the day.
Then, the real test came: bed time. She has never gone sleep without it in her whole life. So I got her ready for bed, gave her her blankie and her Big Bird and she said "paci, gone-gone?" and I said "yep, paci is gone-gone". And she seemed to be fine with it, she didn't cry or anything. I read her a story and told her night-night and closed her door and walked out. I turned on the baby monitor and I never heard her cry once. It did take her quite a while to fall asleep, but she never cried. I was worried that she would wake up in the middle of the night asking for it, but she never did. Then all day Saturday she was without it, she went to sleep fine without it. And all day today she has been without it. She has only mentioned it a few times all weekend, so I think she has almost forgotten about it. Yea!!!!!!!! I did it, I am so proud of mysfelf!!! I was starting to doubt that this day would ever come!