We had a great Christmas this year. I was so happy because Maddie is finally old enough to kind of understand and enjoy it. She loved looking at all the Christmas lights in our neighborhood, and loved our tree. We got a little train that goes around the bottom and she wanted to watch it go all day long saying "cho-cho"! Also, this is the first year of my adult life that I have not let the Holidays stress me out. One thing that really helped with that is that we didn't have to travel anywhere this year. Now that we're in Ft. Worth, we are only minutes away from all of my family and Rob's family came to our house this year.
The festivities kicked off on Christmas eve, we went to Nanny and Boompa's house for lunch. I was a little nervouse about going there because of the drama we had last year with a certain person who forgot to take her meds, or should I say took to many meds.......anyway, this year all was good. We even got to see my great uncle Wayne, who we haven't seen in like 16 years. The only problem was that he was rude enough to smoke in my grandparent's house so it was rather smokey and hard to breath in there, so unfortunately, we couldn't stay long. After that, we came home and took a little nap before going to mom and dad's house for dinner and opening presents with them. It was the first year that we added 2 extra kids to the mix. We now have Bill's kids, Bailey and Cameron. It was nice to have some little ones for Maddie to play with, although they are not really "little". Bailey is so good with Maddie, she plays with her and keeps her entertained just like a big sister. Maddie got so many presnets over there. She was so overwhelmed. Her favorite thing was the "cozy coupe" car that my parents got her. We couldn't get her out of it all night.
So on Christmas morning, Maddie woke up to find her loot that Santa brought. She got a play kitchen and a table and chairs among other things. Out of all the cool stuff we got her, the only thing she cared about at the time was a little thing of chapstick that was in her stocking. I guess we could have saved ourselves a lot of money and just bought her a few tubes of chapstick. But now she really loves her kitchen, she plays in it every day. She tells me she's going to "cook"! Then Rob's family came over and we opened presents with them. My mother in law got her the Elmo Live. That thing is pretty cool, even the adults got hours of entertainment from that thing. Of course Maddie loved it, anything Elmo is like the best thing ever for her.
Santa was really good to me and Rob too. I got Rob a big toolbox and a workbench for the garage so he can finally organize all his tools and stuff. He got me a new Ipod Nanno! I was so happy, I didn't even ask for that, but it is the best thing he could have got me. He also got me the Racheal Ray cookware set and the Jessica Simpson perfume, Fancy. So I really got everything I wanted and more. We are so blessed in so many ways and I am so thankful to God for everything He has given us. I can'b believe how fast Christmas came and went and how fast Maddie is growing. Sometimes I wish I could just push the "pause" button, but since I can't I will just try really hard to truley enjoy every moment with her before she is all grown up!
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