Friday, January 16, 2009

I need to vent too!

Julie's post got me in the mood to vent about work. My biggest pet peeve is when people don't reply to my emails. Now I really think this is just plain rude! I mean, if I asked you a question in person and you didn't reply to me that is just completely rude. Well, since I am in a remote office all alone and don't have the means to ask someone a question in person, this is basically the same thing. There are times when I really need a response to a question so that I can complete a task and when I don't get an answer it keeps me from staying on track. It drives me nuts!!!!! I understand people are busy, I am really busy too. But honestly, how long does it take to respond and say "I am in the middle of something, can I get back to you", how hard is that?


Anonymous said...

That's the spirit!

D or K of the Boutwell 3 said...

Hey girl, I don't have a paying job but I totally hear where you are coming from! I am in charge of getting volunteers to work concessions, stocking the concession stand, getting everything together & making it work. People not responding to e-mails really does make it so I can't do my "job". It really aggravates me too! Usually it takes a total of 2 seconds to respond to someone for whatever they need, so why is it so impossible. Not like you (or me) are asking for a 90 minute phone call or anything, just a quick note. Thanks for posting the blog - makes me feel less like a nag. Have a great week!

D or K of the Boutwell 3 said...

Oh, this is Danielle (McDougald) Boutwell - in case you might have been confused! Bye