Sunday, January 10, 2010

Focus, focus, focus

OK, it is a new year and of course I have some resolutions as always. For one thing, I want to try to blog every day. I look at other people's blogs and how much time they put into it and how cool they are and I am really jealous. I want to have something to document memories and important events in my life so I can look back on them later. Also, I want to be dicsiplined enough to stick to it.

At church, Ed is asking us to do the Daniel fast again. It starts tomorrow and goes for 21 days. During the fast, I can only eat fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, and all natural foods. No alcohol, caffiene, sugar, bread, meat, or dairy. I know it is going to be really hard, but I just have to stay FOCUSED and pray and be strong. I want to make it a priority to blog about how the fast is going every day.

Also, I want to resolve to make it a priority to spend time with God every day. It is my goal to start my days with reading the Bible, journaling, and talking to God. Again, I want to blog about this and keep track of my progress.

I know that I am not perfect, far from it, actually, but it is important to me to set goals for myself. I want to hold myself accountable for becoming a better person.

Focus, focus, focus! Here's to a great 2010!

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