Monday, September 27, 2010

Timing is a bitch

Why is timing always severly off in my life????? My emotions suck, I want to turn them off please!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We took Maddie to the circus for the first time, and it was really cool. I hadn't been in forever, and this was way better than the last time I went. She was so excited about seeing all the animals. We went to the pre-show and got to walk around on the floor where they perform and meet the clowns up close and even try on the performer's clothes! it was really cool, she was a little creeped out by the clowns when we got up close, in fact, she was terrified. She had a death grip on my hand and would not let go.

Conversation with my 3yr old

Last night when I was getting Maddie out of the bath, this is how the insult- I mean conversation went:
Maddie (as she places her hands on my stomach): Mommy, do you have a baby in your tummy?
Me: No, do I look like I have a baby in my tummy?
Maddie: No.
Me: Do you want me to have a baby in my tummy?
Maddie (with a huge smile on her face): Yes!
Me: Maybe someday....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I made a crayon roll!!!

OK, I have to admit, when I first saw these, I thought they were silly. But, the more I looked at them I thought they were cute. But, I'm only into making things that are funcional, hence why I thought they were silly. But I read about how they make a great way for kids to carry their crayone along with them on road trips and such, I thought that sounds functional enough for me! So, here goes. I had a little issue with the ric-rac and I'm not entirely happy with how it turned out, but it was my first one and I plan to make another now that I know where my mistakes were.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just a little something I made today

Well, since I got my new sewing machine a few days ago, I have been a busy bee. So here are my first 2 projects. I made a reusable sandwich bag and a draw string tote bag for Maddie to keep all her little toys in. The sandwich bag didn't turn out so great, but I was very proud of myself with the other bag. And it was oh so easy with my awesome sewing machine. It does all the work, really!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear over-acheiver at the gym:

You really get on my nerves. Do you really have to get a 10 pound weight when the instructor says to use a 5? Do you really have to jog with high knees when the instructor says to march? Do you really have to do extra abs when everyone else is done? You are just making everyone else look bad, and I don't really like you.
That is all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Somebody's gettin on my nerves........

OK, I need to get this off my chest, and well, since this is my blog and I can say what I want, I'm gonna complain for a minute. You know what bugs the crap out of me????? When people who are really not my friend all of the sudden act like my friend so they can invite me to something that benfits them. For example: if I have not seen you or talked to you in like 4 years, it is not cool to invite me to your jewelry selling party.....hello!!! And please do not waste my time sending me useless invitations on FB to see your husband's band play. Seriously.........I barely know you and just because we're FB friends, you think I'm gonna come to this event? I would be more than happy to support your husband's band or buy some of your jewelry if we were actually friends who talk and see each other on a regular basis.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of FB, I really don't care to read your posts every day about how your hubby is so wonderful and after 10 years of marriage your sex is still so hot, honesty, I do not need to know that. That ranks right up there with PDA's......come on, we're adults now. I'm sorry, but this behavior is just plain rude and I would never dream of pulling something like that. Get a clue, people!!!!!!

OK, feel better now :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The great snow of 2010!

I have never seen so much snow in my life.....we got 12 inches in one day!!!! It was so cool. I'm sure this will never happen again here, so I had to officially get it on record so I can remember it. Of course, I'm a few days late in writing about it. It started snowing on Thursday, February 11th and on Friday morning, there was 12 inches and I couldn't even get my car out of the driveway. We had fun playing in it. We helped Maddie build a snowman and had snowball fights. It was great!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Random quiz thingy

OK, Julie, you have inspired me. I am going to do this one word quiz thingy that you had on your blog and I'm going to vow to stay on task with my blogging. Thanks!

1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your hair? hideous
3. Your mother? caring
4. Your father? strong
5. Your favorite food? chocolate
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream / goal? prosper
9. What room are you in? office
10. Your hobby? dance
11. Your fear? violence
12. Where do you want to be in six years? joyful
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren't? lazy
15. Muffins? yes
16. Wish list item? car
17. Where did you grow up? Burleson
18. Last thing you did? work
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? off
l21. Your pets? dog
22. Friends? blessing
23. Your life? stressful
24. Your mood? bored
25. Missing someone? no
26. Vehicle? nissan
27. Something your not wearing? necklace
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. What was the last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? hubby
33. One place that I could go over and over? caymen
34. One person who emails you regularly? mom
35. Favorite place to eat? celebrity

OK, that was fun. Now on to business:

This is day 15 of the Daniel fast. I have to say, this has been very hard. I hope I am not the only one struggling this much with it. In fact, I have to make a confession- Rob and I broke down this weekend. We couldn't take it any more. We ate at Olive Garden Sat night. We had pasta, bread, meat, wine. We broke all the rules :(
But, I'm happy to say that we are back on track today. I have been very good and had very boring meals all day today. Only 6 more days to go!!!

We went to buy a much needed new car this weekend, and struck out big time. We are way too upside down on our car now to trade it in. This really sucks because the car we have now is way too small and Maddie keeps getting bigger and it's so hard to get her in and out with all her stuff and going on a long trip is next to impossible. But, oh well. I guess I should be thankful that the car runs good and gets me where I need to go. We will just have to pay it down a little more and wait about another year. Bummer!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Salad, fruit, salad, fruit, salad, fruit........

Day 4. I'm feeling pretty good again today. I can feel the effects of eating healthy on my body. I ate a banana and soy joy bar for breakfast. For lunch I went to Corner Bakery and had an Asian salad with Edamame on it (not very good) with a bowl of tomato soup. I was very proud of myself, I took the yummy looking piece of bread that was on the plate next to the soup and set it aside and covered with a napkin so I wouldn't be tempted to eat it. It is very hard to resisit the yummy bread they have there. That is the hardest sacrifice for me, the bread and the cheese. But I'm hanging in! Salad and fruit gets really boring though.

I think that God is really giving me clarity and focus through all of this. I think that is one of the things I struggle with the most. With all of the responsibility and stress in my life, I think I sometimes let my mind wander in an effort to somehow temporarily escape from it. The problem is, that causes me to loose focus and get behind in what I need to get done, therefore creating more stress! So, focus is what I need and the Lord is answering my prayers! Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daniel Fast Day 2

Today I felt really good. For breakfast, I made myself a green tea latte using soy milk, it was sooooo good and just what I needed to warm me when it was freezing this morning! Then I ate a banana in the car while I was driving to work. I had to do monitor visits today, so I was going non-stop. In between monitor visits I went to the gym and did a really hard yoga class.
I was all the way in Mesquite, so I had to eat out for lunch. I was a little nervous about it because I thought I would have a hard time finding something I could eat on the fast. I ended up going to Panera. I had the classic salad (with the field greens) and the vinegarette dressing. I am not sure if the dressing is allowed on the fast, but I just can bring myself to eat a salad with no dressing. Then I had a cup of the vegegable soup, and a fruit cup instead of the bread. It was sooooo hard to resist the pastries and breads they have there, but I just prayed for God to give me strength and I would not let myself even look at them.

After my last monitor visit, I went to Sprouts to by some stuff we can eat on the fast. I got some organic rice chips, which are actually really good! I also got gluten-free pasta that is not made with any eggs or dairy and organic spaghetti sauce. I cooked that for dinner with some steamed broccoli and carrots. And amazingly, Maddie loved it! I can't believe it, she is so picky. But it actually really good, would have been better with garlic bread, but that's the sacrifice.

I was flipping through my devotional Bible today and happened to land on a page that talks about how to let go of guilt. I know God gave me that for a reason, I have been feeling really guilty lately about working so much and leaving Maddie. I read a chapter in John about when Jesus was being crucified on the cross and how He took our guilt for us. It was really what I needed to read, it's amazing how He does that!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's only for 21 days, I can do this!

OK, I'm STARVING! We started the liquids only fast this morning. I have not had any food since 7pm last night. I had a fruit smoothie and have been drinking lots of water. But I want food! I put some beans in the crock pot to cook all day for dinner tonight. That was kind of mistake because now I keep smellling them and it is like torture! Like I said, I have to pray that God helps me stay focused and gives me strength to do this!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Focus, focus, focus

OK, it is a new year and of course I have some resolutions as always. For one thing, I want to try to blog every day. I look at other people's blogs and how much time they put into it and how cool they are and I am really jealous. I want to have something to document memories and important events in my life so I can look back on them later. Also, I want to be dicsiplined enough to stick to it.

At church, Ed is asking us to do the Daniel fast again. It starts tomorrow and goes for 21 days. During the fast, I can only eat fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, and all natural foods. No alcohol, caffiene, sugar, bread, meat, or dairy. I know it is going to be really hard, but I just have to stay FOCUSED and pray and be strong. I want to make it a priority to blog about how the fast is going every day.

Also, I want to resolve to make it a priority to spend time with God every day. It is my goal to start my days with reading the Bible, journaling, and talking to God. Again, I want to blog about this and keep track of my progress.

I know that I am not perfect, far from it, actually, but it is important to me to set goals for myself. I want to hold myself accountable for becoming a better person.

Focus, focus, focus! Here's to a great 2010!