Monday, February 22, 2010

Somebody's gettin on my nerves........

OK, I need to get this off my chest, and well, since this is my blog and I can say what I want, I'm gonna complain for a minute. You know what bugs the crap out of me????? When people who are really not my friend all of the sudden act like my friend so they can invite me to something that benfits them. For example: if I have not seen you or talked to you in like 4 years, it is not cool to invite me to your jewelry selling party.....hello!!! And please do not waste my time sending me useless invitations on FB to see your husband's band play. Seriously.........I barely know you and just because we're FB friends, you think I'm gonna come to this event? I would be more than happy to support your husband's band or buy some of your jewelry if we were actually friends who talk and see each other on a regular basis.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of FB, I really don't care to read your posts every day about how your hubby is so wonderful and after 10 years of marriage your sex is still so hot, honesty, I do not need to know that. That ranks right up there with PDA's......come on, we're adults now. I'm sorry, but this behavior is just plain rude and I would never dream of pulling something like that. Get a clue, people!!!!!!

OK, feel better now :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The great snow of 2010!

I have never seen so much snow in my life.....we got 12 inches in one day!!!! It was so cool. I'm sure this will never happen again here, so I had to officially get it on record so I can remember it. Of course, I'm a few days late in writing about it. It started snowing on Thursday, February 11th and on Friday morning, there was 12 inches and I couldn't even get my car out of the driveway. We had fun playing in it. We helped Maddie build a snowman and had snowball fights. It was great!